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5 ways asset managers win more

Winning AuM is not easy. But with the right strategy, opening more doors to more asset manager selectors is achievable in less time than you think. The trick is to get your digital marketing content in front of the right investors at the right time. The question is how to do this without burning through your marketing budget. Here are 5 strategies that work well for users of RFPnetworks.
Asset Manager digital marketing professional defining strategy on whiteboard.
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Published on
December 19, 2023

1. Target More Regions & Countries

Increasing the number of countries you cover is a quick way to increase the volume of asset growth opportunities available to you.

Our Marketing Platform lets investment managers engage and influence investors in core and periphery markets. It creates an inbound lead funnel for your Sales people.

2. Target More Investor Segments

Increasing the number of investor segments you cover within a country is another quick way to increase the number of opportunities in your pipeline.

Our Marketing Platform lets investment managers showcase to all segments of the investment management industry spanning both institutional investors and professional fund buyers. It creates another inbound lead funnel for your Sales people.

3. Target More Investors impacting Decisions

Increasing the number of individuals you engage at an investors organisation increases cross-sell opportunities and portfolio insights.

Our Marketing platform lets investment managers influence all decision makers involved in the portfolio, increasing win rates in RFP processes.

4. Get More of Your Capabilities Noticed

Increasing the number of products and solutions that get seen by investors is a powerful way to increase early stage engagement and meetings.

Our Marketing Platform gives investment managers unlimited opportunity to present all their capabilities to all investors efficiently. It multiplies the inbound asset growth opportunities for your Sales people.

5. Target the Entire Investor Journey

Increasing the number of touch points you have with investors along their decision journey is a powerful way of increasing RFP win rates.

RFPnetworks maximises the exposure your firm receives both before and during a search process. By continuously growing an investors knowledge of your firm, people and product, winning the RFP gets easier.

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