As earnings season uncovered the creaks at U.S. large cap stocks, investors are now spending more time researching U.S. small cap investment managers. Given a back drop of rising rates and recessionary pressures, it seems like a contrarian view. But the investment managers they are looking at are doing things differently.
2022 was the third worst calendar year performance for the Russell 2000. But the same applies to the Russell 1000. Only the aftermath of the bursting of the internet bubble, and the Global Financial Crisis resulted in worse returns, in 2022 and 2008, respectively. But with 2023 coming to an end, and the macro expectations of high but decreasing inflation coupled with a recession, investors are starting to weigh up the potential of small caps in this environment. The attraction to U.S. Small Caps today is supported by valuation. Comparing Small to Large Caps, various multiples suggest the market is trading at lows not seen in almost 50 years. Research inside RFPnetworks also points highlights two interesting characteristics:
- Small caps outperform during the following 12 month period.
- Small caps outperform large caps during the following 12 month period.
The trick is to capture the start of period that marks the falling inflation. Not easy.
Here are 4 examples of the types of U.S. Small Cap companies investment managers like during a recession:
The message from various small cap investment managers is, at very least, keep an eye on this segment of the U.S. market. It can rebound quicker than you realise.